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Posts in Family Law
Understanding Flat Fee Family Law: Your Path to Simplicity and Savings

Welcome, dear readers, to our Flat Fee Family Law Blog Series. At The Skeen Firm, we are proud to offer all of our Family Law services on a flat fee, for reasons you will read in this series. Consider this your friendly guide through the often-intricate world of family law, making it as easy to understand as a conversation with a trusted friend. Whether you are facing the challenging terrain of divorce, custody battles, or any other family-related legal matter, we are here to explain one aspect that can significantly help you—the flat fee structure.

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Navigating Divorce in Washington County, Pennsylvania: Your Comprehensive Guide

Divorce is a life-altering event that can be emotionally and financially challenging.  If you find yourself going through a divorce in Washington County, PA (or anywhere, for that matter), then it is crucial for you to understand your rights and the legal process.  In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the key aspects of a divorce in Washington County, provide useful insights, and offer guidance to help you navigate this difficult time.

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Alimony, Spousal and Child Support…Oh, My!

The end of a marriage is a difficult time for anyone, and the financial consequences of untangling two lives can make it even worse. Although each is unique, alimony, spousal support and child support are all similar in the sense that one spouse is making a payment for the benefit of someone else (the other spouse or the parties’ children).

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So your marriage is coming to an end. Now what? Part II

You’ve gotten over the initial shock of realizing that your marriage is over. Now what? Well, now you have some tough decisions to make starting with what do you want out of the divorce. Some preliminary matters to work though include who stays in the house, who gets physical custody of the children, who gets possession of the family pet, and how will the assets/debts be divided.

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Types of Custody in Pennsylvania

Odds are when you think of custody, you think of physical custody — the person with whom the child resides. Did you know there are two types of custody with seven variations? At the most basic level, a Court will decide what is in the child’s best interest. This will include whether one or both parents have physical custody -- that is the time each parent should spend with the child. The Court will also decide whether it’s better for one or both parents to have legal custody.

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Custody Christmas Carol

Christmas is right around the corner! Yikes! Maybe you’re in the group of folks who have already finished your shopping and have a mound of beautifully wrapped presents under your tree or maybe you’re in the “I shop on Christmas Eve” club and aren’t sweating the details just yet. Regardless of where you fall, you’ve most likely made all of your holiday arrangements and are looking forward to spending some quality time with your family. If you share custody of your children with your ex, maybe you’re counting down the hours or days until you see your children for Christmas.

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