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Posts in Business
Small Business Formation Basics - Tax Considerations

Most small business owners wonder what they can do to decrease their taxes. The best answer for all small business owners is simple: Focus on growing revenue and you will find taxes will not matter. Following this philosophy is all the more important for start-ups. In the first five years of business, growth can fix most issues. Growth, not decreased taxes, is the lifeblood of your business.

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Know Your Exit

Modern business conversations focus heavily on Start-Ups, thanks in large part to the success and rapid growth of many young companies. For each new successful IPO that comes to market there are a multitude of ventures that simply fall short. Often the main reason for this failure is a lack of exit strategy. All new businesses start with a big hairy audacious goal (BHAG), then funnel that into a vision, then a mission, and ultimately a business strategy against which they will execute. Few, however, contemplate how to exit and truly generate ROI for investors.

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Your General Counsel - Start-Up

Start-ups and new cycle businesses face unique legal issues as they grow. Our Your General Counsel - Start-up services provide expedient answers/solutions to help new business owners focus on what they do best, grow their business. Our role is that of a strategic business partner, instead of a mere project attorney, shifting the focus for our business objectives to yours.  For those businesses not ready for ongoing services ask about our flat fee pricing, so you know your upfront costs. 

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